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Home Remedies To Get Rid of a Cold And cough

Get Rid of a Cold And cough

   In the winter, influenza spreads, especially during periods of changing weather, which are infectious diseases that are transmitted from one person to another by droplets, and despite being a weak virus, it kills thousands annually, especially the elderly and children.

Home Remedies To Get Rid of a Cold And cough

Cold and flu symptoms appear in the form of sore throat, high body temperature, coughing, weak body, loss of appetite, headache, and it is wrong to take antibiotics as soon as you feel cold symptoms. Instead of using medications, some foods and natural products with a strong effect can be relied upon.

Treat yourself from cold and cough with these foods


Eating honey works to boost immunity, as it is an antibiotic for bacteria and germs, and it speeds up the healing process, and it is possible to take one tablespoon of it daily in the morning upon waking up, and you should be warned not to give children less than 3 years because honey is harmful to them.

Other ingredients can also be applied with honey, such as a tablespoon of half-lemon juice on a cup of warm (not hot) water, which calms coughs, infections, and cold therapy.


Lemon is one of the foods that contain vitamin C, and it is important to  boost immunity , as it contains substances that work as antibacterial agents, and reduce throat problems. Dissolved lemon juice can be eaten into warm water and ingested, as it cleans the body.

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One of the most famous natural herbs that treat many problems, including the flu, is because of its ability to strengthen immunity. Parts of the fresh ginger can be eaten, a small piece several times a day, or it can be taken by boiling a spoonful of ginger with hot water, then leave it to calm down. With the addition of one tablespoon of honey, a few drops of lemon.


It is one of the foods that work as a natural antibiotic, as it treats and kills many bacteria and germs, in addition to that it contains antioxidants that raise immunity, and garlic properties can be taken advantage of by swallowing several cloves of them daily, and some garlic cloves can be crushed and put In boiling water, then let it cool down, filtered and eaten.

Fenugreek or mint

Both are a drink found in the homes of the Egyptians, and it has many properties that treat cold and flu, and this can be done by boiling fenugreek or mint leaves in how much water.


A popular method is commonly used, where hot steam is inhaled, whether after a hot bath, or by inhaling it from a container with a face covering.

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