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Snoring: How To Stop Snoring

5 secrets to stop snoring

Snoring: How To Stop Snoring
Does it bother you when your partner snores in the middle of the night? Or maybe it's the other way around and it's your snoring that your partner is complaining about. Snoring is a medical condition that, if left untreated, can cause a significant alteration in your health. Not only is the quantity of your dream being tested, but also the quality of it. Medical studies have found that lack of sleep can cause mood swings, irritability, poor concentration, and fatigue.

Having narrow air passageways can cause the air we inhale or exhale to pass with more force and pressure than normal. This causes vibrations in the palate and uvula that are then amplified through openings in the oral and nasal cavities. The sound produced by these vibrations results in snoring.
Contrary to popular belief, there are many ways snoring can be decreased or even stopped. Here are the top five ways to stop snoring so you and your partner can get a good night's sleep without resorting to separate bedrooms.

1. Be fit and healthy. Excessive amounts of fatty tissue in the throat and mouth can be caused when you are overweight. This narrows the airways, which can increase the vibrations produced and lead to louder snoring. Lower fats and you will surely decrease the amount of snoring heard. This can be done through cardiovascular exercise for as little as 30 minutes a day. Combine this with a low carb diet and you will soon be on the right track to healthy sleep. Also avoid eating large meals during dinner, as it can impede the movement of your diaphragm and can cause breathing problems.

2. Stop alcohol and smoke. In addition to causing oral cancer, the multitude of chemicals in a cigarette can inflame the throat and nose, causing compression of the airways. Alcoholic beverages can cause the throat muscles to relax so that they lose their tone during sleep. If the tongue also falls backwards while sleeping, this can cause a significant obstruction in the airways, causing a louder snoring.

3. Treatment of allergies. Airway congestion can be seen in allergic reactions and even in those who have the flu. This congestion significantly narrows the nasal passages causing louder snoring. It has been suggested to take a tablespoon of honey before bed to relieve congestion. A room humidifier can also do wonders for those who suffer from allergies, as well as inhaling steam before bed.

4. Modify your sleep habits. Medical research suggests that following a regular sleep cycle, or sleeping around the same time each night, can help prevent or lessen snoring. Sleeping while lying on your back can also make your tongue fall out, so it is recommended that snorers sleep on their side to prevent this from happening. Another suggestion is to raise the head of the bed a few degrees. If this can't be done, try adding a few more pillows or use a firmer pillow.

5. Do not hesitate to see your doctor. One of the methods used by doctors on how to stop snoring is the surgical procedure. Although considered a last resort due to its innate risk and high cost, undergoing surgery for adenoids or enlarged tonsils can be beneficial for loud snorers. Snoring can also be one of the signs of sleep apnea that is life-threatening, so it is best to be thoroughly evaluated by a specialist doctor.

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