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Increases Children's Concentration:Food that increases children's concentration

Food that increases children's concentration

   Most mothers complained of their children's poor concentration and lack of attention to lessons. This may be caused by children needing some nutrients that scientific studies have proven to increase focus and attention. foods can help kids stay sharp and  develop their brains well into the future. 

Increases Children's Concentration:Food that increases children's concentration

We show you some of them:

1 Fish and seafood: It is one of the foods that contain a high percentage of omega-3, which is very important for the health of the mind.

Avocado: It is rich in B and C vitamins, folic acid and fats that are good for a child's mind.

3 Dark chocolate: Almost all children love chocolate, so give your child a piece of chocolate or a cup of cocoa, because it contains antioxidants and many important minerals, such as potassium and magnesium.

4 Bananas: There is a study conducted on a group of students that found that those who eat bananas before the exams obtained better results. Banana is one of the most important sources of potassium and is a very important component for maintaining healthy brain, nerves and heart.

Spinach: In addition to being famous for its high content of iron, it contains lutein, folic acid and beta-carotene, which makes it an excellent food for the mind. And if your children are not a fan of spinach in its traditional way, you can serve it in different ways such as grill or pancakes stuffed with mixture of cheese and spinach (choose strong cheese that overwhelms the taste of spinach) or spinach balls, cheese and potatoes, or even cut them fresh in green salad. 

6 Eggs: It is one of the foods that contain omega-3, and it can be served in a variety of ways, such as boiling, eggs, fried or omelette.

7 Broccoli: Rich in vitamins C and C and choline, which makes it one of the foods that stimulate  and mind.

 8 Turmeric: It is a spice that has long been used to improve memory and mind performance, and you will definitely not present it to your baby in pure form, but be sure to add it to food.

Olive oil: which improves memory functions and enhances concentration, always make sure to add it to food and salad dishes.

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