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Acne Treatment:How to get rid of a blind pimple। Home remedies for pimples

How to get rid of a blind pimple Home remedies for pimples 



Acne Treatment:How to get rid of a blind pimple। Home remedies for pimples

Blind grain is a common problem for human life. Pimples are unpleasant for many reasons, but they add pain to the problem and it is even less. The blind pimple can be more painful than other pimples because it is deep inside the skin, faster than the nerves. Like all other types of pimples, it is also caused by overactive sebaceous glands under the skin that produce excess oil that produces clogged pores. In this video we are talking about the best 5 home remedies to get rid of a blind pimple.


1.     Honey

    Honey has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that work together to fight the bacteria responsible for blind pimples and other types of pimples. Additionally, honey works as a gentle but deep cleanser, so there will be no scarring on pimple-prone skin types. Dip a cotton ball in pure honey and apply liberally to the affected area of ​​the skin. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process four times a day for effective results.


2.     Milk

          Milk contains alpha hydroxy acids, also known as AHAs, that can help unclog pores by removing the outer layer of dead skin and accumulated oil and dirt. Apply milk to the blind grain with a cotton ball and leave it to act for 12 minutes. Then wash the area with mild water. Do this three times a day until the head comes out of the pimple.


3.     Lemon juice

      You can also treat blind pimples with lemon juice. Lemon is the best natural product, the citric acid present in lemon juice works as an astringent to dry the grain. It also works as a purifier to help remove bacteria and dirt and speed up the healing method. Extract the juice from one or two lemons. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and apply it to the pimple area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off.

4.     Warm compress

        A warm compress promotes blood transmission, which will speed up the healing process by pressing on the head of the pimple. When the head of a blind pimple is opened, the infectious fluid accumulated inside will come out and healing will begin. Soak a cloth in hot water and hold it in the blind grain for a few minutes. Repeat the process three or four times a day until the grain forms a head.

5.     Tea tree oil.

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil will help kill the bacteria that cause pimples and prevent new outbreaks. It will also calm the skin and speed up the healing process. Tea tree oil works as a cleanser, leaving deep skin deep and opening clogged pores.

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