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Anemia: Types And Their Causes,Comlications, Diagnosis

Common types of anemia and their causes include:

1.Iron deficiency iron: 

This common type of anemia affects about 2-3% of the adult US population.The reason for this is iron deficiency in the body. The bone marrow needs iron to make hemoglobin. If the iron supply is insufficient, the body will not be able to make enough hemoglobin for the red blood cells. The result is: iron deficiency anemia.

2.Vitamin Deficiency Anemia: 

In addition to its need for iron, the body also needs folic acid and vitamin B12 to produce a sufficient amount of correct red blood cells. A diet that lacks one of these vital nutrients, these or others, can reduce the production of red blood cells. Also, there are people whose bodies do not have the ability to absorb vitamin B-12 effectively.

Anemia: Types And Their Causes,Comlications, Diagnosis

  Anemia as a symptom of a chronic disease: 

Many chronic diseases, such as cancer (Cancer), AIDS (gout), gout, Crohn's disease, and other chronic inflammatory diseases that can affect the production of red blood cells and cause chronic anemia . . Kidney failure can also cause anemia.

3. Aplastic anemia:
This type of anemia is very rare, but it is life threatening. It occurs as a result of the reduced ability of the bone marrow to produce all three types of blood cells (red, white, and platelet cells). The cause of aplastic anemia remains unknown in most cases. However, it is believed to have something to do with diseases that affect the immune system.

Anemia caused by bone marrow disease:

  Many diseases, such as leukemia, myeloid dysplasia (myelodysplasia), a previous medical condition of leukemia, that can lead to anemia and affect the bone marrow. 
  Effects of cancerous or semi-cancerous disorders, these can range from a very slight change in the amount of blood cell production to the complete cessation of blood production, which is life threatening. 

There are also other types of cancer that attack the blood and bone marrow, such as multiple myeloma, myeloproliferative disorders, and lymphoma, which can cause anemia.

4. Hemolysis anemia: 
  This group of types of anemia develops when red blood cells are destroyed faster than the ability of the bone marrow to make new blood cells.

  There are certain diseases of the blood that can cause extensive damage to red blood cells. Disturbances in the immune system can cause the body to produce antibodies against red blood cells, causing their premature destruction. 
  Also, taking certain medications, such as different types of antibiotics (antibiotics) used to treat different types of infections (infections), can also cause damage to red blood cells.

5. Sickle cell anemia:

  This type of anemia is sometimes serious, is transmitted by inheritance and, in most cases, affects people of African, Arab or Mediterranean descent. This type of anemia occurs due to an imbalance in hemoglobin that causes red blood cells to have an exceptional sickle shape. 
  This form of red blood cells causes these cells to atrophy and die prematurely, causing chronic deficiency in red blood cells.

Other types of anemia:  
   There are other additional types of anemia, they are the rarer types, such as thalassemia, and the types caused by defects in hemoglobin. Sometimes an accurate diagnosis of the cause of anemia cannot be found.

 Complications of anemia

    Complications of anemia In cases of severe anemia, the patient may feel tired enough to prevent him from carrying out his very simple daily tasks.
    If anemia is not treated, it can lead to various side effects and complications, including:

Excessive fatigue (excessive fatigue): 
   In cases of difficult anemia, the patient may feel tired enough to prevent him from carrying out his very simple daily tasks, since he is very tired and it is difficult to play or work.

Heart problems
   Anemia can cause acceleration and irregular heartbeat - Arrhythmia. In anemia, the heart must pump more blood to make up for the lack of oxygen in the blood. This can even lead to "heart failure".

Nerve damage: 
Vitamin B-12 is necessary and vital not only for the production of healthy red blood cells, but also for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Cognitive changes: Vitamin B-12 deficiency can affect normal brain function.

Death: Certain types of inherited anemia, such as sickle cell anemia, can cause serious medical complications that are life threatening. Loss of large amounts of blood over a short period of time generally leads to anemia, which can be fatal.

Diagnosis of anemia.

Doctors can diagnose anemia by reviewing the patient's medical history, performing a complete physical exam and blood tests, including a complete blood count (CBC - Complete Blood Count), a test that checks the level / focus of red blood cells and the hemoglobin level in the blood.

    In an adult human, normal red blood cell values ​​range from 38.8 to 50 percent in men and 34.9 to 44.5 percent in women, while normal hemoglobin values ​​in an adult between 13.5 and 17.5 grams per deciliter in males and between 12 and 15.5 grams per deciliter in females.

Blood cells can be examined under a microscope to check for other causes, such as:

the size.
the shape.
the color.

Performing these tests can help achieve an accurate diagnosis. For example, in iron deficiency anemia, red blood cells are smaller and paler than usual. In vitamin deficiency anemia, red blood cells are larger and smaller than normal.

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