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Anemia: Prevention And Treatment

Treatments for anemia vary according to the cause of the anemia:

Anemia: Prevention And Treatment

Iron deficiency anemia treatment

In most cases, anemia of this kind is treated with iron supplement (s).

Vitamin deficiency anemia treatment:

It is treated with injections containing vitamin B-12, and in some cases this may last a lifetime.

Treatment of chronic anemia associated with disease

There is no specific treatment for this type of anemia.


Treatment of aplastic anemia:

 Treatment for this type of anemia may include intravenous feeding to raise the amount of red blood cells in the body.


Treating anemia caused by a bone marrow disease:

Treating anemia caused by these multiple diseases ranges from taking medications with chemotherapy to bone marrow transplantation.


Treatment of hemolytic anemia:

 treatment of hemolytic anemia includes refraining from taking certain medications, treating associated infections (infections) and taking immunosuppressive drugs that attack red blood cells.

Treatment of sickle cell anemia:

 This treatment includes anemia, monitoring and monitoring the levels of oxygen in the body, taking pain relievers, drinking fluids, drinking or by infusion to relieve pain and to prevent complications.


Anemia prevention

Prevention of anemia Eating iron rich foods is very important, especially for people with bodies that need very large amounts of it

Most cases of anemia are not preventable.

However, it is possible to prevent the appearance of iron deficiency anemia or anemia caused by deficiency of vitamins by a balanced and varied feeding that contains:

- iron

- folic acid

- vitamin B 12

- vitamin C.


The most important foods that contain iron


 If you want an iron rich source with few calories, the eggs serve as one large egg contains 1 mg of iron.

Whole grains: 

are considered grains vegetarian source is rich in iron, but also in the beans must be soaked before use in order to get rid of phytic acid , which prevents the absorption of iron.


Marine organisms contain large quantities of iron, as 100 g of mollusks satisfy the body's need for iron adequately, such as shellfish, mussels, shrimps and salmon.


It is one of the famous foods known to the Egyptians, and it has many benefits and it contains iron element, and it is preferred to cut the eggplant and give it to the child raw to eat it.


It is one of the foods that are available in homes, and is stored from year to year. It also contains many elements, as it is an antiseptic for the intestine. It also treats anemia, body weakness and malnutrition.


Black Honey

It is one of the wonderful foods whose price is distinguished by its reach, and it contains a large amount of iron in addition to sugar, which gives the person energy and mobility, and it is advised to eat the person "hanging on an empty stomach".


It is one of the vegetables that can be eaten individually or through salads, and it contains iron, in addition to being inexpensive, and helps to treat anemia.


An important vegetable that is known to contain a large amount of iron. It is useful in treating iron deficiency anemia.


One of the delicious foods, which also treat iron deficiency in the body, as it contains anti-oxidants, and reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Red meat

Like lamb and beef, especially the liver portion, it is rich in iron (every 100 grams of meat contains 1.6 mg of iron).


It helps the chicken to absorb iron in plant foods, so chicken is not considered a major source of iron as much as it is considered an auxiliary factor in increasing iron absorption.

 Top 10 foods rich in vitamin B12

Fish: Vitamin B12 is found in many marine products, such as smoked salmon, herring, tuna, and canned sardines.

Eggs: Eggs contain vitamin B12, and is more present in the yolk.

Milk and yogurt: whole milk is a good choice for vitamin B12, as well as yogurt.

Animal liver: the liver, whether beef or chicken, is a good source of vitamin B12, and chicken is the best option.

Cheese: There are about 12 types of cheese, all rich in vitamin B12, and studies show that most cheese is an appropriate source for providing what the body needs in a day of vitamin B12.

Red meat is a rich source of this vitamin.

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